Thursday, February 26, 2009

time is of the essence

B found this. I'm into this.

. . . annnnnnd cupcakes.

Bad-da Bing. The best of both worlds.

Someone is my kindred spirit for making these.

Let's all go opening night and cross our fingers that it doesn't betray its literary genius.


  1. Oh, I really like the word verification below: skywort. I am usually mad about having to type those. I am not even mad at all about typing "skywort."

  2. i already bought my tickets for the thursday midnight showing. i am in anticipatory ecstasy. also my blair husband just got a watchmen tattoo.... he is borderline obsessed. we have heard a lot of naysayers comment about how it is going to be a big let down. those people also say that having children is a terrible burden, hate sunsets, and listen exclusively to top 40 radio. i prefer to look for the positive. and i cannot wait. oh, also, you are fantastic claire. love and miss your face.

  3. Watch out for the blue penis.

    Have you seen it? I wanted to, but won't.

  4. oooh cupcakes! p.s. my word verification is: ainestes. and i like that because it sounds like a mix between anus and testes. bahaha.

  5. Hey Claire,

    Did you like Watchmen? My husband is a movie critic. He thought it was good. He says he loved the prison scenes.
