Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Monster Mash 2015: #13 or What a Lucky Number to talk about my familiar...


I am pretty sure my cat was a very wicked witch in a previous life, and that he currently considers ME his familiar. Cats think they own us, not the other way around.
Illustration by Ida Rentoul Outhwaite, circa 1921
I found the following list on a Petco.com article, which didn't completely knock my socks off, but they did loosen a bit to flop when I walked across the room (I might already have known most of the facts *tosses hair):
  1. The Ancient Egyptians revered all cats as sacred, helpful and lucky. They were the symbol of Bastet, the cat-headed goddess of protection.
  2. Sometime during the Middle Ages, Europeans got the idea that black cats were associated with witchcraft. Some elderly, solitary women who often fed and cared for stray cats were misidentified as witches and the cats as their conspirators.
  3. In parts of England and Ireland, a black cat cross your path signifies good luck.
  4. Speaking of Great Britain, giving a cat to a bride in the English Midlands should bring good luck.
  5. In Scotland, a strange black cat arriving at your home means you may win the jackpot! A stray black cat arriving on your doorstep signals prosperity.
  6. If you’re German, you have to pay attention. If the cat crosses your path from right to left, that’s bad; left to right is good.
  7. If you’re a pirate, it gets even more complicated. If the black cat is walking toward you, it’s bad luck. If it’s walking away, that’s good. If the cat walks onto the ship and then back off, get off the ship because it’s going to sink.
  8. Fishermen and their wives saw black cats as good luck, with many keeping them on their ships or in their homes. Black cats became so highly valued that some could not afford them.
  9. In Japan, black cats are considered symbols of good luck, especially for single women. Owning a black cat is thought to attract potential suitors.
  10. In Russia, all cats are viewed as lucky.
  11. There is no one breed of black cat. There are 19 cat breeds in the Cat Fanciers Association directory that list “black” as a color option.
  12. Many black cats have golden eyes, which is the result of their high melanin pigment content.
  13. Black cats can be boys or girls, but more are male than female.
  14. Black Cat Appreciation Day is August 17.
  15. Black cats go with every décor, and, best of all, you can’t see their fur on your furniture!
Bonus round: It’s bad luck to walk under a ladder that a black cat just passed. However, we would also suggest that it’s just good common sense not to walk under any ladder, whether or not a cat of any color is nearby."

Smizing (v.): to smile with one's eyes. Attrib: Tara Banks.:
A free, printable collection of vintage Halloween postcards.:

http://shortbizz-artikel.blogspot.com/2012/10/jan-pieter-van-nes-erfolgskompass-fur.html   CAT:
Black Cat Advice: "A successful man, (or woman) is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him." (Or her.):
Le chat et la lune.:
Black Cat sheet music published in 1896:

Kuro Neko San. 
The Kitten that is my little familiar's namesake.

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