Tuesday, August 12, 2008

What comes from a conversation about late 70's sci-fi/fantasy pop art:

My Dearest Readers, 
I regret to inform you that our dear Claire has moved on. Against all odds, against the advice of countless financial advisors, spiritual counselors and astrologers, she has relocated to a gypsy camp just north of San Sabastians, Spain. I'm afraid that only a few months ago she expressed an interest in Jazz piano and has relocated in order pursue this new spiritual path.  The goodbyes were tearful, but in the end, all her closest friends agreed that perhaps the change was for the best. I, Jonathan Norberg, have volunteered to help ease the transition for all her loyal devotees. While I can't compete with her finesse for witty banter or tender advice, I do have one thing I can offer her readers which she cannot... an acute interest in late 70's sci-fi/fantasy pop art. While Claire is pursuing her own dreams, I have been given the opportunity to pursue my own. Claire has lent me the use of this blog so that I can chronicle my interest. I think that this project will be incredibly enjoyable to all involved.
Jonathan Myles Norberg

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