Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Let's compare dishware.

Who has the best sisters? ME.
Who has the best mother? ALSO ME.
These lovely ladies threw me a bridal shower, and invited the whole extended family gang as well as my bridal party and other special (special in the total babe type way, not the 'special' way you use to describe friends you don't want to ride in cars with) friends over to celebrate. My sisters and ma mere slaved over my party for forever, and I am so very grateful for their thoughtfulness, their decorating know-how, their ability to cook THE BEST BRIDAL SHOWER FOOD EVER. Thank you thank you thank you. I felt so happy and... and... special. Yes, even that.I completely forgot to bring my camera, but fortunately for my sanity and scrapbook, my dear friend Miss Jana brought her's and documented the entire shindig.
My guests ate and visited while I talked to everyone and barely ate anything due to my party adrenalin racing. Tis a tragedy. I wasn't kidding about that food being the best bridal shower food ever. Check my sister's recipe blog A Piece Of Cake. You'll then understand what you've missed out on. You'll probably cry a little bit. You'll probably wish you were nicer to me in 2nd grade. It's ok.GAMES. Apparently I do not know my fiancee, thus the reason I tried to fit about a million gumdrops into my tiny little girl mouth.PRESENT TIME.
I received so many lovely things. To my dear family and friends, from my the bottom of my little domestic goddess heart, I thank you.
I wish I could have a bridal shower every year instead of a birthday. Mmmmm... a vacuum a year...I loved embarrassing mine and Chris' extended family. And what better way to do that, then by flashing around some sexy laundry...... see? That's either bridal shower boredom, or embarrassed winching. OR BOTH. We've all been there. Who REALLY ever wants to know the sordid details of sexual costuming?
I can rate my nerdiness on the level of excitement I get at receiving squirt guns and video games as bridal presents. My inner 13 year old boy was (and is) exuberant as Christmas morning over getting toys, as apparent in these photos:I love my Grandma. Grace Elizabeth Bagley is a saint (just like Dorothy Mantooth... come on people). I'm so happy she was able to be there for me on my day.
This was a good day.
I wish I could have a bridal shower every year. Every week. Every ten seconds.


  1. This looks like so much FUN!!! I'm glad you got to have a wonderful bridal shower with so many people there to share the moment with you!! And gift receiving is ALWAYS a big YAY!! Especially with squirt guns. XD

  2. sooo freaking adorable = you

  3. you're so good at receiving presents! i'm super and awkward when i get stuff.
    i love that the only person smiling when you flash the panties is the pregnant lady. she obviously gets it, lol :)

  4. you're so good at receiving presents! i'm super and awkward when i get stuff.
    i love that the only person smiling when you flash the panties is the pregnant lady. she obviously gets it, lol :)
